Take-Down Policy
The Cantos Cautivos project operates a Take-Down Policy. If our team is notified of a potential breach of copyright or a possible violation of any law, the complete material or relevant portion will be temporarily removed from the platform, pending further investigation.
Where the grounds for complaint are considered to be valid, the complete material or relevant portion will be permanently withdrawn from the platform. Where the grounds for complaint are not considered to be valid, materials will be made available again. Decisions might take some time if it was necessary for the Cantos Cautivos team to seek legal advice to resolve the complaint.
How to notify Cantos Cautivos of a Take-Down request
If you have discovered material on our platform that you believe breaches copyrights or any other law, including but not limited to those relating to patent, trademark, confidentiality, data protection, obscenity, defamation, libel or incitement to terrorism, please send us an email to contact@cantoscautivos.org, providing the following information:
- Your contact details.
- The details of the materials, including their URL where possible.
- The nature of your complaint or concern.
- An assertion that your complaint is made in good faith and is accurate.
- If you are complaining about breaches of your own copyrights or other intellectual property rights, please provide evidence that you are the rights owner or are authorised to act for the rights owner.