Terms and Conditions of Participation
I authorise the publication of my testimony, photographs, audio and/or audiovisual material on the web pages of www.cantoscautivos.org and social media of the project, in English and Spanish.
I authorise the Cantos Cautivos team to edit and translate my texts. I understand that the team may add and/or substitute images and/or audiovisual material to my testimony.
I understand that if my testimony makes explicit reference to third persons who have not given explicit authorisation for their names to be published, the Cantos Cautivos team has the power to anonymise them partially or fully if deemed necessary.
I understand that the Cantos Cautivos team will not publish offensive material.
I authorise the Cantos Cautivos team to use texts, images, audio and/or audiovisual material, in complete form or as fragments published on both sites, for academic purposes and for the production of exhibitions, videos, documentaries and other type of printed, audiovisual, educational and/or public dissemination material.
I understand that materials can be shared using the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Any different use of Cantos Cautivos materials requires the authorisation of our team.
In case that original materials donated to the project are requested by third persons for the production of artistic works, exhibitions, etc., the Cantos Cautivos team will request authorisation from contributors through a message sent to the email address provided by me.
In case of no response after two weeks, the team will send a reminder message. If this second message is also not answered either, the team will make the decision in consultation with the project’s Advisory Board, within four weeks from the date of sending the first message.
I understand that Cantos Cautivos is a nonprofit project. I grant this authorisation for an indefinite period. Notwithstanding, this does not exclude the possibility that in the future, I may request the team to remove my materials from the project’s website, as per our Take-Down Policy.